Publicerade artiklar
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Projekten kan pågå under både kortare- och längre perioder. Det kan därför ta lite tid innan resultat eller eventuella publikationer från de projekt vi deltagit i publiceras.
Food preferences and nutrient composition in zoo-housed ring-tailed lemurs, Lemur catta
I like to move (it) – Use of outdoor space in a mixed exhibit of ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) and red ruffed lemurs (Varecia ruba) at Furuvik zoo (final)
Go for Lipids! Food Preferences and Nutrient Composition in Zoo-Housed White-Faced Sakis
Is sugar as sweet to the palate as seeds are appetizing to the belly? Taste responsiveness to five food-associated carbohydrates in zoo-housed white-faced sakis
THE SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE HYPOTHESIS AND THE EPISODIC MEMORY SYSTEM – the role of memories in the social skills of cognitively complex animals - Lund University
Remote eye-tracking with chimpanzees and orang-utans - Lund University
Comparing chimpanzees' preparatory responses to known and unknown future outcomes - Lund University
Can great apes imagine cocktails? - Lund University
INGREDIENTS OF COMPLEX PHYSICAL COGNITION – comparisons between crow birds and great apes - Lund University
Social bonding as a facilitator of intra- and cross-species imitation - Lund University
Phylogenetic reconstruction of the human skill to imagine - Lund University
Development of touchscreen interface for cognitive testing of primates - Lund University
Eye-tracking with great apes - Lund University
Precursors of Sign Use in Intersubjectivity and Imitation (PSUII) - Lund University
Development of permanent infrastructure for research and education on great ape cognition at Lund University Primate Research Station Furuvik - Lund University
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